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fixing the DISASTER Justice Gap 

We're staunch advocates for the principle that every survivor of a disaster deserves unfettered access to the vital support they need. Our programs are designed to bridge the gap for those caught in the challenging scenario known as the 'disaster justice gap,' where available assistance is scarce despite the pressing need being immense.

Legal accessibility

We aim to be a credible, collaborative, mobile-friendly legal resource for our community. While there are numerous disaster assistance resources, many people need help navigating the system due to confusing and inaccessible terminology. Our accessibility programming seeks to fix this. We create free legal information that turns the often oppressive language of legalese into something that everyone can use.

Free Community Clinics

We work with local legal aid, nonprofits, and community partners to coordinate in-person legal clinics where survivors can get immediate access to legal information and assistance. Designed to provide direct assistance on the most common and challenging legal issues that arise after a disaster, these clinics promote individual recovery, family stability, and community development. We bring help to the survivor’s doorstep, allowing us to track legal outcomes for those in need. 

Follow us on Social Media for updates on future community clinics.


We provide specialized training for social service providers, attorneys, advocates, and disaster responders. Our webinars and in-person education sessions focus on disaster-related issues, equipping legal and social service professionals to handle post-disaster challenges effectively. We tailor each presentation to the specific needs of the group, recognizing that disaster response is not a one-size-fits-all situation. Additionally, our "Clinic in a Box" model offers organizations tangible resources to enhance their direct community services. Please reach out to us to discuss the best fit for your organization.

  • When provided with legal disaster tools, we believe that social service providers are in a unique position to help their service base. All trainings are taught by ELR attorneys who are experts in disaster law and strive to keep up to date on the ever-changing developments in FEM guidance. Each training is specifically tailored to the audience's needs and the social service providers' requests.

  • We recruit, train, and coordinate attorney volunteers through the robust network we have developed with law schools, law firms, state and local bar associations, and aid organizations throughout the country. From webinars to in-person training, we prepare volunteers and legal service providers for the unexpected challenges they may encounter while assisting clients. Leveraging volunteer support is essential to sustaining long-term recovery efforts for disaster-affected communities.